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Wood Buffalo RCMP warn public over spiked drinks

Last Updated Jul 7, 2023 at 12:31 pm MDT

FILE - An Alberta RCMP cruiser. (Tom Ross, CityNews Photo) 2022/03/P1120608-scaled.jpg 2022/03/P1120608-scaled.jpg 2022/03/P1120608-scaled.jpg

Wood Buffalo RCMP are investigating several reports of spiked drinks at various establishments in Fort McMurray.

In a release from July 6, 2023, police said an investigation is underway following a number of social media posts concerning the trend.

“It is believed that a considerable number of drink spiking offences go unreported for a variety of reasons and the Wood Buffalo RCMP want to encourage members of the community to report any suspected drink spiking to police. Police also wish to remind citizens to never leave a drink unattended when in public.”

Wood Buffalo RCMP added they want to ensure victims that it’s not their fault.

Symptoms from spiked drinks may include confusion, nausea, dizziness, loss of memory, or loss of consciousness.

RCMP strongly recommend if you suspect that you or someone had their a drink spiked:

  • Tell someone, whether it be a friend, venue staff, or the police
  • Seek medical aid
  • Time is of the essence when detecting if you have consumed an unknown intoxicant
  • Report immediately to Police so appropriate screening can be conducted


No word exactly how many incidents were reported or if there are any suspects.