Council to talk rural water and sewage and internet connection

The rural communities will be the big ticket item at the council meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 27 with the connection of water and sewage being discussed along with broadband internet.

On June, 12, 2018 council discussed options for implementing the Rural Water and Sewer Servicing (RWSS) program, which has a budget of $306 million.

Administration is recommending lot-by-lot assessments before seeking funding for construction of the on-site water and sewage service connections.


Through the assessments administration will be able to decide on an appropriate fee for rural residents to pay for the connection, how they can pay the fees, how long they can be hooked up and how exactly the work will be done and by who.

Residents of Saprae Creek will be looking at paying $10,000 for their connection fee with all other communities possibly having to pay $16,000.

Council will also go over some cost recovery measures by further discussing increases to our utilities that were introduced late August 2017.

It is expected that by 2022 both rural and urban communities in the RMWB will have an average bi-monthly utility bill of $214. This bill will be for garage, water and wastewater.

Taxi fees will also be discussed again at the meeting.


The Taxi Advisory Committee proposed upping the clean-up fee for passengers from $75 to $200 and charging a $3 airport pick up fee.

Administration has recommended both proposed changes be defeated.

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